Saturday, September 29, 2007

Our Bathtime Superstar

Well it took a little over a month but Jeremy finally likes bath time. He flashes us smiles now and is content the entire time. We tell him it's just like going to a spa for a massage and facial. Once he even fell asleep while in the about relaxation.

Here he is in his Superstar bath towel from Meghvi and Carlos. Doesn't he look like a little happy buddha?

1 comment:

rosa ma. arellano garcia said...

juan no habia tenido la oportunidad de felicitarlos por su bebe esta "hermoso" saludos a tu esposa que aun no la conocemos espero que pronto vengan a mexico, leon. saludame a tus hermanos que ya los vi en las fotos y a mi tio muchos besos dile que lo queremos.