Jeremy is almost two weeks old. We are enjoying every minute with him. John and I still can't believe he is our little bundle of joy. Everything he does is absolutely amazing to us, from the "smiles" we think we see to the stretches he does to wake up. He has been a very happy baby so far. He gets us up a couple of times during the night to eat, but goes right back to sleep. Otherwise he is very alert most of the time checking out his new home and family.

Grandma Jeanette and Grandpa Paul have made this transition very easy as they are taking good care of us and Jeremy. We could not have managed without their love and support.

Jeremy has had a few visitors so far and is not lacking at all for people to hold him. Good thing it's impossible to spoil a newborn!

We want to thank all of you for your phone calls and emails. It is so comforting to know you are all thinking of us and Jeremy.